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It is the love of Christ that motivates everything we do – and our Family Coordinators build relationships, share their faith with families where there is interest, encourage them to become part of a local church, and disciple family members who want to grow in their faith. Your Sponsorship support will bring hope and joy to families as they come to know Jesus, develop skills to resolve conflicts and restore relationships, whilst being filled with peace that will see them break the cycle of po...
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Your Family Sponsorship will bring a family out of poverty and into a sustainable future. We work with families over a 5-8 year period, addressing their immediate and long term needs and helping them journey towards self-sufficiency. Our aim is to encourage the families toward self-sufficiency by offering them opportunities to improve their living conditions, to learn a profession or set up their own small business to earn an income.
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Your commitment to sponsor a family will mean that the basic needs of the family will be met by supporting them with food products, hygiene items, clothing, shoes and medicines; assisting them in critical times with such things as firewood, furniture, mattresses and building materials; and providing counselling and spiritual support. Almost all of the families we work with live below the poverty line and struggle day to day to survive. Many of them have complex, multiple needs and there are ofte...
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Your Child Sponsorship, will help a child avoid the risk of dropping out of school, and enable them to become engaged in their education and improve their school results. We offer educational support through our After School Centre’s at local churches, where the children receive a hot meal, school supplies, encouragement and help with their homework and studies, creating a nurturing, supportive environment. For older children, we encourage their further education with free Vocational Training p...
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Your Sponsorship will enable a child to thrive and experience all the wonders that a childhood should bring. Their homes and lives are often filled with tension, stress and hopelessness, caused by poverty and abuse, with not much spare time for fun and child-like discovery. MWB’s Christian Input classes, Bible Correspondence course, Summer Camps, Easter & Christmas events, birthday celebrations, puppet shows and other fun activities, enable the children to laugh, play and hear the Gospel messag...
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Thousands of children, living especially in rural areas, are on the edge of survival and are without hope for the future. Their parents are unable to provide for them and often, the children are neglected and vulnerable. Through Child Sponsorship you can meet the basic needs of orphaned, abandoned and “at risk” children living in the local communities or Children’s Homes. The children receive food and hygiene items, as well as clothing, shoes, basic medicines and optical care, if needed. By e...
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Mission Without Borders has been operating in Eastern Europe and the region of Ukraine for over 60 years. Since the fall of the Iron Curtain we have worked to journey alongside Eastern Europes most poor and vulnerable. Our vision is to see lives transformed across generations with hope for the future. We have a strong network of well-established partnerships across the region. All our field staff are local to their respective countries and this ensures our ability to respond quickly in a cris...
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Firstly, a big THANK YOU for joining our Partners With Hope! As a Partner with Hope, you will receive updates and an annual impact report, showing how your regular gift is helping others. You will also have the opportunity to connect with our Australian community of Partners with exclusive invitations too upcoming events. 
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Yes! While we are asking for a commitment to monthly giving of $40, $80 0r $120 , we understand that situations change. If you ever want to increase or decrease your donation amount, please call us on 02 9647 2022.
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You can give via PayPal, credit card, or through a direct bank transfer. If you wish to set up a Direct Debit please give us a call on 02 96472022
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By joining our Partners With Hope program, you will walk hand in hand with those in crisis who need our help beyond our normal work. Your partnership will help provide emergency aid, housing, resources to our partner churches and personal support to those in crises.Right now, our Partners with Hope program is working alongside those providing emergency relief to all those impacted by the Ukraine crisis. Your monthly gift will support our Refugee Response team and partner churches - both long ter...
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